The website is the online store of the company "COCOLATEX M.IKE" (VAT No. 800932500, DOU IONIAS, POI No. 145228604000). The headquarters of the company is located in Thessaloniki 54500 tel: 2310787362.

The use of the online pages and services by the visitor/user presupposes his unreserved agreement with the following terms of use, which apply to all the content included on its website. The visitor/user must read these terms carefully before using the website's services and if they do not agree, they must not use the services and their content. The visitor/user is requested to check the content of the terms of use for possible changes. The continued use of even after any changes means the visitor/user's unconditional acceptance of these terms.


The users of the website agree that they will not use this website to send, publish, send by e-mail or transmit in other ways any content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, defamatory or is a violation of privacy someone elses. In addition, private individuals accept that the products they order through the online store are intended for personal use.


All the content of the website, including images, texts and audiovisual material, graphics, photographs, designs, texts, services and products provided are the intellectual property of and are protected according to the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international agreements. Any copying, reproduction, modification, resale or misleading the public about the real provider of the website content is prohibited. Any reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content in any way or medium for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written permission of The names, images, logos, distinctive features, texts and audio-visual material that represent the are protected by Greek, EU and international trademark and industrial and intellectual property laws. In any case, their appearance and exposure on the website and in the online store should in no way be taken as a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them.


The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol is today the global standard on the internet for certifying websites to web users and for encrypting data between web users and web servers. An encrypted SSL communication requires that all information sent between a client and a server be encrypted by the sending software and decrypted by the receiving software, thus protecting personal information in transit. In addition, all information sent with the SSL protocol is protected by a mechanism that automatically checks if the data has been changed in transit. In addition, personal security is the password you give when you become a member. In order to present any of your personal information, you must first provide your username and password. For this reason, you must keep this information well so that it does not risk falling into the hands of third parties. We also advise you to create passwords using symbols along with alphanumeric characters.

Finally, let us remind you that the credit card details are not stored in the company's storage media during the transaction, but are registered directly in a secure environment of the cooperating company that has undertaken the routing of the cards.

All payments made using a card are processed through the electronic payment platform with encryption protocol (Secure Sockets Layer – SSL). Encryption is a way of encoding information until it reaches its intended recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key, and is governed by International and European law, which regulates issues related to electronic commerce as well as by the Consumer Protection Law (L. 2251/1994), which regulates issues related to distance sales.


Orders placed through the online store constitute distance sales contracts, which are governed by the legislative framework of Law 2251/1994, as is also the case with other applicable Greek and Community legislation. You can place a valid order through the e-shop if you are legally competent in compliance with the articles of the Greek Civil Code, (as long as you have completed the eighteenth year of your age and you are not in judicial custody regarding the conclusion of a sales contract). Orders can also be placed by representatives of legal entities, while the company reserves the right to claim a refund from the supervisor or guardian of any orders made by legally incompetent persons.


The consumer through the website is informed by the company before completing his order about the identity and address of the supplier, the essential characteristics of the product, the price, the quantity, the transport costs, the payment method, the delivery date, the duration.

By sending the order form, the consumer receives an electronic copy of the order to the electronic address (e-mail) he/she has indicated when registering the order, which includes a detailed description of the goods of the order and a unique code, with which he will be able to track the progress and development of his order (if he is a member).

The credit card is charged immediately after your order is confirmed. The online store has taken all the necessary measures for the security of your transactions through your credit card and all credit card holders are subject to validity checks. You are given the possibility to pay in interest-free installments based on the current commercial policy. By choosing the specific payment method, you will be transferred to the secure transaction environment of the cooperating company that has undertaken the routing of the cards, where you will be asked for all your card details.

In case your credit card is not approved by your bank, the company reserves the right to cancel your order.

Deposit to bank account: Your order will be on hold and will be executed when we confirm that the amount has been deposited. To facilitate the process, please send us the copy of the deposit in which you should have stated the order number and your name, to the email address. If you cannot send us the receipt, please send us an e-mail with the deposit date, deposit bank, deposit number, order number, your name and a contact phone number at the above email address. In case of non-payment within 5 days, your order will be cancelled. The prices listed at include VAT. 24%. The consumer has no obligation to pay if he does not receive the legal document (receipt, invoice).


Force majeure: If for reasons of force majeure (e.g. bad weather conditions, strikes, etc.) it is not possible to deliver the products to you within the predetermined time, we will inform you via e-mail, so that you can inform us if you wish, under these conditions conditions, the completion of your order. bears no responsibility for any situation beyond its fault and will do everything humanly possible to serve you better. reserves the right to modify or renew the available products, sales prices and other terms and conditions of transactions. The Code of Consumer Ethics for Electronic Commerce is the one that was formulated based on the Ministerial Decision of the Minister of Economy and Development in the Gazette of the Government of the Hellenic Republic (22/03/2017, Sheet No. 969).